several different kinds of crystals

8 Must Have Crystals to Have in Your Healing Tool Kit

August 08, 202317 min read

We can all agree that whether you are new to the world of crystals or have been using them for decades, every crystal collection should include some must-haves! With so many crystals in our universe and so many applications, deciding which is the most important can be difficult! We will highlight the top eight most important crystals that everyone should have in their toolkit. So, let’s get started!

Clear Quartz

Most people associate crystal healing with some form of quartz! This is because this abundant and powerful crystal is beneficial to all people and all types of energy! With so many different varieties, colors, and shades, quartz has to be in your top 8!

clear quartz crystal

Here are some of the benefits associated with clear quartz crystal:

  1. Amplification: Clear quartz is often referred to as the “master healer” because it is believed to amplify the energy and intentions of other crystals and gemstones. It can enhance the effects of other crystals when used together.

  2. Clarity and Focus: Clear quartz is thought to help enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It is believed to aid in decision-making and problem-solving by clearing mental fog and promoting clear thinking.

  3. Energy Cleansing: Clear quartz is said to have the ability to cleanse and purify energy. It can be used to clear negative energy, dispel stagnant energies, and create a more harmonious environment.

  4. Balancing and Harmonizing: Many people believe that clear quartz can balance and harmonize the chakras (energy centers) in the body, promoting overall well-being and a sense of equilibrium.

  5. Amplified Intentions: Users of clear quartz often program it with their intentions, using the crystal as a tool to amplify and manifest their desires. This is believed to work due to the crystal’s ability to hold and transmit energy.

  6. Healing Properties: In alternative healing practices, clear quartz is thought to have various healing properties, such as promoting emotional healing, enhancing the immune system, and supporting overall vitality.

  7. Spiritual Growth: Clear quartz is sometimes used to support spiritual growth and meditation practices. Its clear and pure energy is believed to assist in connecting with higher states of consciousness.

  8. Protection: Some people use clear quartz as a protective talisman, believing it can shield them from negative energies, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic radiation.

  9. Enhanced Energy Flow: Practitioners of crystal healing often use clear quartz to enhance the flow of energy throughout the body, which is believed to promote overall health and well-being.

  10. Amplified Energy: Whether worn as jewelry, placed in a space, or used in meditation, clear quartz is thought to amplify and radiate positive energy, creating a more positive and uplifting atmosphere.

Rose Quartz

We can’t leave out the powerful rose quartz from your healing toolkit. Rose quartz encourages self-love, love, and all things related to the heart or heart chakra. Whether it is love, compassion, or kindness, this stone can help strengthen unconditional and romantic love in your life.

rose quartz crystal

Rose quartz is a popular gemstone known for its soft pink color, here are some of the commonly attributed benefits:

  1. Emotional Healing: Rose quartz is often considered a stone of emotional healing and comfort. It is believed to help heal emotional wounds, promote self-love, and encourage forgiveness and compassion for oneself and others.

  2. Unconditional Love: This crystal is strongly associated with love in various forms. It is said to open the heart chakra and enhance the capacity to give and receive love, fostering feelings of unconditional love, empathy, and kindness.

  3. Relationship Enhancement: Rose quartz is commonly used to attract and strengthen relationships. It is believed to help improve communication, understanding, and trust between partners, friends, and family members.

  4. Self-Love and Self-Esteem: Rose quartz is often used as a tool for promoting self-love and boosting self-esteem. It can help individuals recognize their own worth and embrace their unique qualities.

  5. Stress Reduction: Many people believe that rose quartz has a calming and soothing energy that can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. It is used for relaxation and creating a sense of emotional balance.

  6. Healing Grief and Loss: Rose quartz is often used to provide comfort and support during times of grief and loss. Its gentle energy is thought to help individuals cope with the emotional pain associated with loss.

  7. Harmonizing Relationships: Beyond romantic relationships, rose quartz is also believed to help mend and harmonize relationships with friends, family members, and colleagues by promoting understanding and empathy.

  8. Promoting Inner Peace: Rose quartz’s gentle and nurturing energy is said to encourage inner peace and a sense of tranquility. It can be used in meditation and mindfulness practices to promote emotional well-being.

  9. Enhancing Creativity: Some people believe that rose quartz can stimulate creativity and imagination, making it a helpful tool for artists and those looking to tap into their creative potential.

  10. Skin Health: In addition to its emotional benefits, rose quartz is sometimes used in beauty and skincare rituals. Facial massages with rose quartz rollers or gua sha tools are believed to promote circulation, reduce puffiness, and enhance the appearance of the skin.


The next item on our must-have list is citrine! Citrine has a strong ability to boost self-esteem and self-image while also promoting prosperity! What human being wouldn’t want more of that? I don’t think there’s a single person alive today who wouldn’t benefit from a boost in self-esteem or optimism! So, make sure to keep some Citrine on hand!


Citrine is a vibrant yellow to orange gemstone that is often associated with abundance, joy, and positive energy.  Here are some of the commonly attributed benefits:

  1. Abundance and Prosperity: Citrine is often referred to as the “merchant’s stone” or “success stone” because it is believed to attract wealth, prosperity, and success. It is thought to assist in manifesting one’s financial and business goals.

  2. Positive Energy: Citrine is known for its bright and sunny energy, which is believed to radiate positivity and dispel negativity. It is said to bring joy, enthusiasm, and a sense of optimism into one’s life.

  3. Creativity and Imagination: Citrine is thought to stimulate creativity and imagination, making it a useful stone for artists, writers, and those seeking innovative ideas and solutions.

  4. Enhanced Confidence: This crystal is believed to promote self-confidence, self-esteem, and a positive self-image. It can help individuals overcome self-doubt and insecurities.

  5. Manifestation: Citrine is often used as a tool for manifestation, helping individuals clarify their intentions and goals and then working to bring them to fruition.

  6. Emotional Healing: Citrine is said to have a cleansing and revitalizing effect on the emotional body. It can help release deep-seated fears, anxieties, and emotional blockages.

  7. Chakra Balancing: Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is located near the navel and is linked to personal power, confidence, and motivation. It is believed to help balance and align this chakra.

  8. Energizing and Uplifting: Citrine’s vibrant energy is thought to provide a boost of energy and vitality. It is often used to combat fatigue and promote overall vitality.

  9. Cognitive Clarity: Citrine is believed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It can help clear mental fog and support decision-making.

  10. Overcoming Negative Patterns: Some people use citrine to break free from negative patterns or habits by promoting a more positive outlook and encouraging constructive change.


This stunning Blue/Green mineral promotes luck and well-being while also aiding in calmness and centering due to its chakra clearing properties. It has a powerful effect when combined with meditation, stillness, and breathwork. Which is fantastic, because who wouldn’t want to wear a stunning piece of turquoise every day?


Turquoise is a well-known and highly valued gemstone that has been cherished for centuries for its unique blue-green color and cultural significance. It has been used for various purposes, including jewelry, art, and spiritual practices. While some of the benefits of turquoise are rooted in historical and cultural beliefs, here are some of the commonly attributed benefits:

  1. Protection: Throughout history, turquoise has been considered a protective stone. It is believed to guard against negative energy, harm, and psychic attacks. Many cultures have used turquoise amulets or jewelry for protection.

  2. Healing and Well-Being: Turquoise is often associated with physical and emotional healing. It is believed to have a calming energy that can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. Some people use turquoise to promote overall well-being and vitality.

  3. Communication and Expression: Turquoise is thought to enhance communication and self-expression. It is believed to help individuals articulate their thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively, making it valuable for public speaking and creative endeavors.

  4. Balance and Harmony: Turquoise is often linked to the throat and heart chakras, promoting a sense of balance and harmony between the mind and heart. It is believed to assist in finding inner peace and resolving emotional conflicts.

  5. Positive Energy: Turquoise is said to radiate positive energy and bring good fortune. It is believed to attract good luck and positive experiences into the wearer’s life.

  6. Friendship and Loyalty: Turquoise has been associated with friendship and loyalty in various cultures. It is often given as a gift to symbolize a strong bond and genuine friendship.

  7. Spiritual Connection: Some spiritual practitioners believe that turquoise can facilitate a connection to higher realms and enhance spiritual awareness. It is used in meditation and spiritual practices to deepen one’s understanding of oneself and the universe.

  8. Protection During Travel: Turquoise has been historically carried by travelers as a protective talisman during journeys. It was believed to guard against accidents and ensure safe travels.

  9. Detoxification: In alternative healing practices, turquoise is believed to have detoxifying properties. It is thought to help cleanse the body and support overall health.

  10. Creativity and Problem-Solving: Turquoise is associated with enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities. It is believed to help individuals think outside the box and find innovative solutions to challenges.


This eye-catching purple stone can be used for many things! While we may think amethyst is “everywhere,” this one-of-a-kind mineral deserves to be in everyone’s top 8! Amethyst allows us to tap into our natural intuition while also ensuring that we are on the right track. It also bridges the gap between the dream and waking worlds, allowing us to connect with our subconscious.


Amethyst is a well-known and widely appreciated crystal that comes in shades of purple, ranging from pale lavender to deep violet. It has been used for various purposes, including jewelry, healing practices, and spiritual rituals. Here are some more benefits:

  1. Spiritual Growth and Awareness: Amethyst is often associated with spiritual growth, intuition, and higher consciousness. It is believed to enhance meditation practices, facilitate connection to higher realms, and deepen one’s spiritual awareness.

  2. Calming and Relaxation: Amethyst is renowned for its soothing and calming energy. It is thought to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil, promoting a sense of tranquility and inner peace.

  3. Protection: Amethyst has a long history of being used as a protective stone. It is believed to create a shield of spiritual protection, guarding against negative energies, psychic attacks, and harmful influences.

  4. Clearing and Balancing Energy: Amethyst is often used to clear and balance the energy centers, or chakras, in the body. It is thought to help remove energetic blockages and promote overall energy flow.

  5. Enhanced Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Many practitioners believe that amethyst can enhance intuitive abilities and psychic perception. It is used by some to open the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition and insight.

  6. Sobriety and Addiction Recovery: Amethyst has been historically associated with sobriety and addiction recovery. It is believed to support individuals in breaking free from destructive patterns and addictions.

  7. Improved Sleep: Amethyst’s calming energy is thought to promote restful sleep and alleviate insomnia. Placing an amethyst crystal under the pillow or near the bed is a common practice for improving sleep quality.

  8. Enhanced Focus and Mental Clarity: Amethyst is believed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It can help quiet the mind and facilitate clearer thinking.

  9. Emotional Healing: Amethyst is used for emotional healing and releasing old emotional patterns. It is believed to help individuals process and release negative emotions, fostering emotional balance and well-being.

  10. Creativity and Inspiration: Amethyst is associated with enhanced creativity and inspiration. It is believed to stimulate the imagination and encourage creative thinking.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline can be extremely beneficial to us at times when we most need it! It has an amazing ability to repel negative energy and return us to the light. When going through a breakup or other type of interpersonal change, its protective and energy clearing properties can be extremely beneficial. When we use this stone, we are gently guided away from our negative thoughts and emotions! Always keep some on hand!

black tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a dark black crystal that is often used for its protective and grounding properties. More benefits include:

  1. Protection from Negative Energies: Black tourmaline is perhaps best known for its strong protective qualities. It is believed to create a protective shield around the wearer or the space, guarding against negative energies, electromagnetic radiation, and psychic attacks.

  2. Grounding and Root Chakra Balancing: Black tourmaline is associated with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and represents stability, security, and grounding. It is thought to help individuals feel more connected to the Earth and rooted in the present moment.

  3. Emotional Stability: Black tourmaline’s grounding energy is believed to promote emotional stability and help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions. It can create a sense of calm and inner strength.

  4. Energetic Cleansing: Some practitioners use black tourmaline to cleanse and purify energy. It is thought to absorb and transmute negative energy into positive energy, helping to clear stagnant or heavy energies.

  5. Aiding in Decision-Making: Black tourmaline is believed to help individuals make clear and informed decisions. Its grounding properties can assist in finding practical solutions and making choices based on logic and intuition.

  6. Protection for Sensitive Individuals: Black tourmaline is often recommended for highly sensitive individuals, empaths, and those who work in environments with challenging energies. It is believed to help maintain energetic boundaries and prevent emotional exhaustion.

  7. Enhanced Concentration: Black tourmaline’s stabilizing energy is thought to improve focus and concentration. It can be used as a study aid or to enhance productivity in tasks that require sustained attention.

  8. Balancing Energy Centers: Black tourmaline is sometimes used to balance and align the chakras by promoting a healthy flow of energy throughout the body. It can help bring the chakras into harmony.

  9. Protection During Spiritual Practices: Some individuals use black tourmaline to protect themselves during meditation, energy work, or other spiritual practices. It is believed to create a safe and energetically clean space for such activities.

  10. Promoting Positive Attitudes: Black tourmaline’s grounding and protective qualities are thought to contribute to a more positive attitude. It can help individuals let go of negative thought patterns and foster a more optimistic outlook.


This beautiful orange and red stone is associated with your sacral chakra and has many powerful benefits for your creativity and relationships. It has been shown to aid in body balance, stress elimination, and immune response. It is also known to increase strength, promote courage, and strengthen any weaknesses. With so many uses, this stone should always be in your kit!


Carnelian is a vibrant orange to reddish-brown gemstone known for its warm and energizing energy. It has been valued for its beauty and potential metaphysical properties for centuries. More benefits include:

  1. Vitality and Energy: Carnelian is known for its invigorating energy. It is believed to boost energy levels, motivation, and enthusiasm, making it a valuable crystal for combating lethargy and promoting vitality.

  2. Creativity and Confidence: Carnelian is often associated with enhancing creativity and self-expression. It is believed to stimulate the imagination, encourage artistic pursuits, and boost self-confidence.

  3. Courage and Self-Empowerment: This crystal is thought to promote courage and self-assurance. It can help individuals overcome fears and insecurities, empowering them to take bold actions and make positive changes in their lives.

  4. Emotional Healing: Carnelian is believed to have a soothing and stabilizing effect on emotions. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances, promoting emotional well-being.

  5. Motivation and Goal Achievement: Carnelian’s energizing properties are often used to enhance motivation and goal-setting. It is believed to provide the determination and drive needed to achieve one’s ambitions.

  6. Enhanced Concentration: Carnelian is thought to improve focus and concentration. It can help clear mental fog and enhance mental clarity, making it useful for tasks that require sustained attention.

  7. Manifestation: Many people believe that carnelian can aid in manifesting goals and desires. Its vibrant energy is thought to help individuals align their intentions with their actions, leading to successful outcomes.

  8. Positive Attitude: Carnelian is associated with promoting a positive attitude and a sunny outlook on life. It can help shift negative thought patterns and encourage optimism.

  9. Balancing and Energizing Chakras: Carnelian is often used to balance and energize the sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen. This chakra is associated with creativity, sensuality, and emotional balance.

  10. Motivation for Fitness and Physical Activities: Due to its energetic properties, carnelian is sometimes used to boost motivation for exercise and physical activities. It is believed to enhance endurance and stamina.

Fluorite (Rainbow Fluorite)

Rainbow fluorite comes in an almost infinite variety of colors and shades, which is appropriate for this powerful stone because it has nearly as many applications! Fluorite is something we keep on hand to help with connection, intuition, and concentration. When life gets tough and things seem overwhelming, Fluorite is a great stone to help guide you to the completion of your goals. Fluorite can help us access our intuition more easily and overcome major challenges with love and compassion. This is an excellent crystal to have on hand when starting a new job or beginning a difficult new school assignment. For these reasons, we strongly suggest fluorite to round out our top eight!


Rainbow fluorite is a beautiful and colorful variety of fluorite that displays a range of hues, often in bands or stripes of different colors. Each color of rainbow fluorite is associated with specific properties, and the stone as a whole is believed to have a variety of metaphysical benefits. Here are some of the commonly attributed benefits of rainbow fluorite:

  1. Mental Clarity and Focus: Rainbow fluorite is often used to enhance mental clarity, concentration, and focus. It is believed to help organize thoughts, improve decision-making, and promote clear thinking.

  2. Emotional Balance: The different colors in rainbow fluorite are thought to correspond to different aspects of emotional well-being. It is believed to help stabilize and balance emotions, promoting a sense of inner harmony.

  3. Learning and Study Aid: Rainbow fluorite is sometimes used as a learning and study aid. It is believed to improve memory retention, enhance cognitive abilities, and make learning more efficient.

  4. Protection and Energetic Shield: Rainbow fluorite is thought to have protective qualities, shielding against negative energies and influences. It can create a barrier of positive energy around the wearer.

  5. Creativity and Innovation: The vibrant colors in rainbow fluorite are associated with creativity and inspiration. It is believed to stimulate creative thinking, encourage new ideas, and support artistic expression.

  6. Stress Relief: Rainbow fluorite’s calming energy is often used to alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. It can help promote relaxation and a sense of tranquility.

  7. Chakra Balancing: Different colors of rainbow fluorite are associated with different chakras, making it potentially useful for balancing and aligning the energy centers in the body.

  8. Enhanced Intuition: Rainbow fluorite is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual insight. It can help individuals connect with their inner wisdom and develop a deeper understanding of their spiritual path.

  9. Manifestation: Some practitioners use rainbow fluorite to enhance manifestation practices. Its energy is thought to assist in aligning intentions with the universe and attracting desired outcomes.

  10. Psychic Protection: Rainbow fluorite is sometimes used as a psychic protection stone. It is believed to guard against psychic attacks, negative energies, and unwanted influences from the spiritual realm.


While there are many more benefits and uses for these eight crystals, this overview will get you started on your journey. Your personal list may be different and that is what makes this so great! There is no wrong answer and absolutely no wrong way to go about the practice of crystal healing! It is all about finding out what works for you specifically and no one else! We wish you the best of luck as you venture into the fascinating realm of crystal healing.

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